Dear Texas 2024 Delegates,
Keep Marijuana Messes From Expanding in Texas!

Biden is downgrading marijuiana from schedule 1 to 3 with the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) for a reason.
Decreases a person’s intelligence.
Causes and progresses the disease of addiction.
Causes and progresses mental illness. (Daily marijuana use increases the risk of psychotic illness as much as 5 times, with higher risk when using high potency marijuana (products that contain over 10mg or 10% THC).
Increases road fatalities.
Worsens symptoms of PTSD and increases the risk for suicide up to 7X.
Worsens depression and anxiety.
Marijuana is associated with mass shootings and violence.
Marijuana legalization has increased the black market and human trafficking.
Today’s industrialized marijuana is purposely designed to look like everyday foods, such as candies, to target children.
Sugary flavors are added to vapes and other marijuana products to mask the toxic taste.
Here’s what we need to do:
1. Support Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Ban Delta-8-THC and all THC variants made from hemp.
Use this language: All isomers, analogs, and acetylated products synthetically made (using a chemical process) from any cannabinoid (including CBD and THC) must be banned.
2. Oppose all marijuana discrimination bills; they are pseudo-legalization bills and will allow large amounts of THC (marijuana) to be trafficked and increase the black market. Refer to the chart on the back of this page.
3. Oppose expanding medical marijuana (T-CUP, Texas Compassionate Use Program). There are FDA medications available.
4. Oppose all marijuana legalization bills.

The government does not track marijuana related deaths even though marijuana leads to violence and death.

A loophole in the 2018 Farm bill allowed marijuana products to become legal in Texas. These dangerous products are designed to attract Texas youth and cause the disease of addiction and mental illness.
You don't have to use marijuana to be killed by marijuana. Read Jennifer's story aand her mother's message to Texans.
More Voices of Marijuana Harms